The Apple Store is now just called Apple - Tech High School News

The Apple Store is now just called Apple

The Apple Store is now just called Apple ,

Apple is simplifying the branding of its retail chain by completely getting rid of the "Store" part of Apple Store. From now on, the company's stores will simply go by "Apple" followed by the location of that specific store. For example, only a couple days ago, Apple opened the doors to Apple World Trade Center — not Apple Store, World Trade Center — inside the stunning Oculus / Westfield Mall in lower Manhattan. This is the 10th Apple store in New York City alone. One thing that's not changing: the employees still welcome in the first shoppers with thunderous applause and hand them free t-shirts marking the store's opening.

Apple World Trade Center
The first shoppers are welcomed into Apple World Trade Center on August 16th, 2016.

Yes, this is a very Apple thing to do. Silly? Just a little bit, sure. But Apple would argue that it's not quite change for the sake of change. Beginning with Apple Union Square (which we toured in May), the company has set out to reframe its retail locations as more than the place you go to buy an iPad or Mac. Now, the stores feature gigantic 6K video screens, lush greenery, and some have ditched the traditional Genius Bar setup in favor of giving customers an area to just sit down and hang out. If that's the sort of thing you'd ever want to do at the Apple Store store.

Apple World Trade Center
Apple's newest stores feature sections where customers can simply... sit.

It's a move spearheaded by Angela Ahrendts, Apple's senior VP of retail. "The store becomes one with the community," she said at the unveiling of Apple Union Square. According to MacRumors, Apple has emailed its retail staff with confirmation that "Apple Store" is no more. The rebranding is already reflected on every website for Apple's various stores, though the change may take slightly longer to completely roll out in-store.

Aside from being positioned as more of a community hub, Apple stores are quickly taking on a more boutique feel, with fancy headphone setups and "avenue" displays that will change on a seasonal basis to showcase different products; currently they're focused on iPhone photography accessories. Everything you expect from the Apple store (see? lowercase) remains, but Apple is changing up the feel — and name — to keep that foot traffic high day in and day out. The first two Apple Store locations opened on May 19th, 2001.

Apple World Trade Center

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