Introducing user reviews and more! - Tech High School News

Introducing user reviews and more!

Introducing user reviews and more! ,
user review

We're very pleased to be introducing another new component of the site tonight: user reviews!

This is something that we wanted to do since day one, but we wanted to be sure the site was up and running smoothly before we started tweaking and adding bigger features. Also — the product team has to sleep occasionally (or so they claim, I don't quite buy it).

So today we're including the feature as a part of our product pages, in reviews, and on the reviews page (which you can get to via the navigation up top). User reviews will be accessible for any currently available or discontinued product, and you'll be able to use the same criteria the editors use to rank a product along with a short text review (between 50 and 500 words). We'll also be averaging the reviews to find a product's mean score. Each product will require a minimum of three user reviews to register a score, and just like forum posts, they'll show up in your user activity.

We're also rolling out some other cool features with this deployment, including the addition of news feeds and latest discussions on individual product pages, and a handful of other tweaks which should make the site even more useful.

But we're not done. We'll be making a habit of adding and / or adjusting components of the site to make it better for you guys. Like we said when we launched, we think of the site like an app, and we'll be rolling out updates on a regular basis. You can even see our changelog right here.

We can't wait to see you get into the user reviews, and if you have any other feedback, feel free to leave it in comments here, or in the Meta forum!