The Verge app for Android updated with Holo interface, forums, and more! - Tech High School News

The Verge app for Android updated with Holo interface, forums, and more!

The Verge app for Android updated with Holo interface, forums, and more! ,

We're always adding new features and tweaks to The Verge to improve your reading experience, and the same holds true with our mobile apps. For our Android readers, we're happy to announce that we've just updated our mobile app with several new features. The first thing you'll notice is the new interface; we've redesigned the navigation system from the ground up, and restyled things to take advantage of Android's Holo user interface guidelines. If you've wished you could join in on some of our lively forum discussions without jumping into your mobile browser, we've got you covered there as well — The Verge forums are now built directly into the app itself.

Version 1.1.1 is available for download in the Google Play Store, so please check it out and let us know what you think in the comments below. As for our iOS users, don't think we've forgotten about you; an update with forum support is in the pipeline and will be coming your way soon.