HP executive and GOP fundraiser Meg Whitman denounces 'reckless' Trump - Tech High School News

HP executive and GOP fundraiser Meg Whitman denounces 'reckless' Trump

HP executive and GOP fundraiser Meg Whitman denounces 'reckless' Trump ,
Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images

Meg Whitman, the CEO of HP Enterprise and a prominent Republican fundraiser, has decided to endorse Hillary Clinton and reject the "demagoguery" of Donald Trump, she said in a Facebook post last night.

Whitman will try to raise money for Hillary Clinton

"As a proud Republican, casting my vote for President has usually been a simple matter," Whitman writes. "This year is different. To vote Republican out of party loyalty alone would be to endorse a candidacy that I believe has exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division."

She continued to say that "Trump's reckless and uninformed positions on critical issues — from immigration to our economy to foreign policy — have made it abundantly clear that he lacks both the policy depth and sound judgment required as President." In an interview with The New York Times, Whitman added that she would donate money for Clinton, while encouraging other GOP donors to do the same.

Whitman, the Republican candidate in the 2010 California gubernatorial election, is now one of the more prominent GOP members to move against Trump. She also joins a much longer list of tech industry leaders who have denounced the candidate. Last month, a group of high-profile Silicon Valley luminaries signed an open letter against Trump, saying he would be a "disaster for innovation." Yesterday, President Obama called Trump "unfit to serve" as president, and suggested Republicans rescind their endorsements.

"In a tumultuous world, America needs the kind of stable and aspirational leadership Secretary Clinton can provide," Whitman's post concludes. "I urge all Republicans to reject Donald Trump this November."