Google Glass adds public transit directions with latest monthly update - Tech High School News

Google Glass adds public transit directions with latest monthly update

Google Glass adds public transit directions with latest monthly update ,
Google Glass transit

Public transit directions have arrived on Google Glass. After installing Google's latest monthly update, Glass Explorer Edition owners will now be able to select "transit" when receiving directions. "You’ll be able to see all sorts of helpful info, like where to change trains, how far you have to walk to the bus stop and how long it should take to reach your final destination," Google says. (You'll need to have Glass paired with an Android phone to use the public transit option.) Screenshots make the feature appear fairly straightforward and extremely useful, though we haven't yet had a chance to try it out in practice. This month's update also introduces the ability to tap to select links in notifications — a less exciting addition, but one Google claims its early Glass users have been pushing for. And if you're not lucky enough to own Glass, don't forget that Google is taking its futuristic device on tour this month.
