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Rdio now recommends albums, playlists, and stations based on your listening history , Rdio iOS
Rdio's partnership with the Echo Nest is yielding some useful new features for users — the company just announced that it is rolling out a new recommendation engine that will show you albums, playlists, and radio stations based on your listening history and the people you follow. It's a welcome new feature and comes on the heels of Rdio's launch of an Echo Nest-powered radio station feature that follows the same model as Pandora, iTunes Radio, and Spotify Radio. Recommendations will have their own home in Rdio's left-side navigation bar, and station recommendations will also include data stations popular near you as well as recommendations based on listening history and social network. It's a nice new feature, albeit one that Spotify has had for some time, but it definitely looks like a way for Rdio to encourage users to follow more people. The feature should go live on Rdio's web player today, and the company says it'll be included in its Android and iOS apps soon.