Gaming coverage is coming to Vox Media in a big way in 2012 - Tech High School News

Gaming coverage is coming to Vox Media in a big way in 2012

Gaming coverage is coming to Vox Media in a big way in 2012 ,

These are pretty exciting times for Vox Media and The Verge. In case you haven't heard the news, not only are we powering full steam ahead here and with SB Nation's cadre of sports-focused sites, but we're about to get into gaming... big time.

Yes, the rumors are true. A multitude of incredible talent just signed on to create what I can only imagine will be the best gaming website in the history of humankind. Is that hyperbole? I very much doubt it.

But seriously, take a look at this talent. For starters, you've got the former editors-in-chief of Joystiq, Kotaku, and The Escapist — Chris Grant (@chrisgrant), Brian Crecente (@crecenteb), and Russ Pitts (@russpitts). Just one of those people would have been totally awesome — but together? One's mind reels. Furthermore, joining the pack will be Justin and Griffin McElroy (@justinmcelroy and @griffinmcelroy, respectively), both super talented and hilarious gaming writers, but also super famous and talented podcast hosts (My Brother, My Brother and Me).

But wait, there's more! Chris Plante (@ctplante), whose work has appeared in The Daily, New York Magazine, AV Club, EDGE, and other fantastic publications, and Arthur Gies (@aegies), a former editor, Previews Editor at Joystiq and co-host of Rebel FM, will both be part of this new entity. But wait, there's even more! Russ Frushtick (@russfrushtick), formerly of MTV News, MTV Multiplayer, and will be joining the dream team too.

Needless to say, it's an amazing group that I have no doubt will change the face of gaming coverage. And if they don't they all owe me $20. Apiece.

Adding to this excitement for us is the fact that while the team builds their new property, we'll be collaborating with them to bring even better gaming coverage to The Verge. You can expect to see their names on the pages here —and we're stoked to give them a platform in which they'll be able to continue doing what they do best while we wait for the big reveal.

I can't overstate how excited I am to not just be partnering with this group of talented and amazing people, but to also be part of a company which is investing big time in that kind of talent, with a vision for doing things a different way.

Bonus: I'll be adding individual posts from the new @voxgames team in the source links below as / if they become available — make sure you dive into each one to get the full story.

  • Justin McElroy: "What's next"
  • Brian Crecente: "The next big thing"
  • Chris Plante: "An introduction"
  • Russ Pitts: "What's in the Vox?"
  • Griffin McElroy: "My next thing"
  • Arthur Gies: "Vox and the future"
  • Russ Frushtick: "How I arrived at my new home"

And just like that, 2012 got a whole lot crazier at Vox Media.