Say hello to our new UK senior editor, Tom Warren of WinRumors! - Tech High School News

Say hello to our new UK senior editor, Tom Warren of WinRumors!

Say hello to our new UK senior editor, Tom Warren of WinRumors! ,
tom warren

We couldn't be more excited to announce our newest addition to the team — our new UK-based senior editor Tom Warren! You likely already know Tom's work from both Neowin (where he was previously Editor-in-chief), and his own excellent, Microsoft-focused site, WinRumors.

If you don't know him, you should. Tom has been reporting on Microsoft for over 10 years, and in the process has broken some pretty significant stories — a trend which he will no doubt continue at The Verge.

We are extremely excited for Tom to be joining the ranks here. We fully expect him to not only supercharge our coverage of all things Microsoft, but to also provide insight and expertise across a wide range of topics, Redmond-centric or otherwise. Tom is a terrific talent, and we feel very lucky to have him on board. He will be officially joining us at the start of the new year, but you'll probably see him making some appearances on our pages sooner than that.

You can read Tom's thoughts on the move right here. Now give the man a warm welcome in the comments below — and get ready for a crazy 2012!