Say hello (again) to Chad Mumm! - Tech High School News

Say hello (again) to Chad Mumm!

Say hello (again) to Chad Mumm! ,

It should come as no surprise to you, dear reader, that over the next few months, the gang at This is my next will be teaming up with all kinds of amazing talent to work on our new site. While we can't share the full list of magical humans that will be part of our project just yet, we can at least tell you about one cat we've added back to the ranks... and that cat is Chad Mumm.

You may know Chad as the producer (and often director) of the award-winning Engadget Show. Chad is the man that took my initial, crazy idea for what that show could be and made it into reality -- even when people around us said that it would cost three times as much and take three times as long. He's also responsible for moving the video production and style at Engadget to the level right after the next level. The next next level. He's an incredibly resourceful, funny, and focused person, and I could not be happier to have him on board with us for our new venture.

I'm sure you can imagine that we'll get up to all kinds of interesting things together here -- but if you're starved for more Chad info, check him out on Twitter (@chadmumm), or visit his Tumblr ( Welcome back, man!