Foursquare pushes real-time recommendations to iPhone users - Tech High School News

Foursquare pushes real-time recommendations to iPhone users

Foursquare pushes real-time recommendations to iPhone users ,
foursquare push recommendations

A month after the feature's debut on Android, Foursquare is now rolling out a new breed of real-time recommendations to its iPhone users. Unlike Foursquare's Radar — which attempted to recommend restaurants before you had even picked one, for instance — the new feature will buzz your phone with recommendations for what to eat or try at the restaurant you just walked into for dinner. It's also designed to ping you with places to try when you visit a new city, and with minimal impact on your battery over the course of a day.

Perfect push recommendations have always been a holy grail for Foursquare

In its continual efforts to find a happy medium between displaying friends and recommendations, Foursquare has once again redesigned its main feed. The latest version shows what's happening nearby and revives an old feature that lets you see what friends are up to, organized by location: Nearby or Worldwide. Tapping Nearby lets you see which friends are around if you're looking for something to do.

Perfect push recommendations have always been a kind of holy grail for Foursquare. With today's update, the company could be one step closer to delivering them.