Apple promises fix for iMessage bug in iOS 7 - Tech High School News

Apple promises fix for iMessage bug in iOS 7

Apple promises fix for iMessage bug in iOS 7 ,

Apple has acknowledged there is an issue with iMessage in iOS 7, reports the Wall Street Journal. After updating to the fresh OS, users have reported being unable to send messages. Although issues with sending messages are fairly common, the nature of the bug affecting iOS 7 users is particularly annoying as there's very little feedback. When sending a message, the blue progress bar gets stuck just before completion, and will remain there until you reset iMessage, settings, or turn your phone on and off. There's no feedback to let users know there's a problem unless they're in the relevant conversation within the Messages app.

Apple claims the issue only affects a "fraction of a percent" of iMessages users — anecdotally we've noticed the issue on more than five devices — and promises a fix is coming soon. The company says users experiencing problems should look towards the company's troubleshooting documents or contact AppleCare, and apologizes "for any inconvenience this causes impacted users."