Google now lets you play solitaire and tic-tac-toe in search - Tech High School News

Google now lets you play solitaire and tic-tac-toe in search

Google now lets you play solitaire and tic-tac-toe in search ,

Google will now allow you to play games with search results. When you search for solitaire or tic-tac-toe, it will return a playable game as a result.

Go do it right now, we’ll wait. Type in solitaire or tic-tac-toe to Google, and it will display the game for you to play, right in the search results. Each game allows you to pick the difficulty level, and with tic-tac-toe, you can also play against another player sitting next to you. The company also included the ability to flip a coin by typing in "coin flip."

In addition to the games, the company also implemented some neat tricks as well: type in "What does a cat sound like?" and it will bring back an audio result, as well as a short list of other animals. The list is a bit limited, but hopefully it will add more to the list before too long.

This isn't the first time we've seen Google do games: the company released some fun Rio-themed games in time for the Olympics, and did a Rubik's Cube in 2014.

The real question is: how much is this going to cost companies today? When Google released their Pac Man Google Doodle in 2010, it prompted RescueTime to calculate that 4.82 million hours of productivity were lost from the economy.