Jawbone accuses Xiaomi of ripping off its speaker design, just like everyone else - Tech High School News

Jawbone accuses Xiaomi of ripping off its speaker design, just like everyone else

Jawbone accuses Xiaomi of ripping off its speaker design, just like everyone else ,

Jawbone’s chief creative officer, Yves Behar, has a bone to pick with Xiaomi over their Mi Square Box Bluetooth speaker.

Behar tweeted out his thoughts at Xiaomi, calling out the Chinese company for "ripping off the Jawbone Mini Jambox. Sad."

And while the Mi Square Box does bear a certain resemblance to Jawbone’s design, it’s certainly not the first Bluetooth speaker to borrow heavily from Jawbone’s industrial design.

In fact, a quick perusal of Amazon finds a







So while Yves Behar and Jawbone may be irritated by all the copycat designs, perhaps they can find consolation in the fact that, as Charles Caleb Colton once said, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?