Smart mirrors aren't happening anytime soon - Tech High School News

Smart mirrors aren't happening anytime soon

Smart mirrors aren't happening anytime soon ,

At this point it's pretty clear: smart mirrors won't be a thing for a while, and it's not for lack of trying. There have been a number of Kickstarters that have tried and failed to get a consumer version of the tech we've seen in sci-fi movies like Minority Report — and shown off by some intrepid engineers — and nothing has come of it so far. The latest company to throw its hat in the ring is Perseus, which is claiming it has built the world's first smart mirror (it's not).

The problem with the Perseus smart mirror is the same as with all of the ones that preceded it: over-promising a set of features that will be incredibly difficult to deliver on. These include: voice recognition, video streaming, an HD camera with time-lapse capabilities, fully customizable widgets, third-party apps, and the list goes on.

Is it impossible for them to deliver the product? No, and I hope they can deliver because I would happily buy three of them, it seems like it could be a really incredible product if built as stated. But being able to deliver a great, commercially available smart mirror at a retail price of $449 with an extensive feature set and with only $100,000 in Kickstarter funding seems like an incredible long shot.