Apple continued hiring augmented and virtual reality experts - Tech High School News

Apple continued hiring augmented and virtual reality experts

Apple continued hiring augmented and virtual reality experts ,
Amelia Krales

Apple CEO Tim Cook HAS beens hinting at Apple's interest in augmented and virtual reality all year, and It Seems That interest continued to grow. Business Insider spotted two people Who Were hired by Apple over the summer after-working at a pair of the biggest names in field: one at Oculus VR, l'autre at Magic Leap


The two hires do not mean much on Their Own, purpose That They suggest Apple is continuing to invest in AR and VR research with the goal of putting out a product Eventually. In January, the Financial Times Reported That Apple already had "Hundreds" of people working on AR and VR, though employed Those Were Said to-have come from acquisitions of smaller companies. Their goal, selon the report, Was to build Eventually Some Kind of headset.

Apple Seems to be more interested in AR than VR

Cook's comments make it sound like Apple's Eventual headset - or whatever form the product takes - Will Be Focused on augmented, not virtual , reality.

On Wednesday, Cook Took a minute to the Chat the two categories with Good Morning America Saying That he suspects virtual reality "probably: has a trade lower interest over time" and That he Believes "augmented reality is the larger of the two, probably by far. " In Particular, Cook pointed to the fact That augmented reality lets you interact with the world around you while you're using it.