The Apple Plug is today’s perfect iPhone parody - Tech High School News

The Apple Plug is today’s perfect iPhone parody

The Apple Plug is today’s perfect iPhone parody ,
Nicer Studio

For all the drama and outcry surrounding Apple’s decision to nix the headphone jack in the iPhone 7, I suspect the world will keep on turning and iPhone sales will keep on churning even without the venerable 3.5mm connector. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give Apple shit for the smug way in which it tried to sell us on the idea that removing compatibility — with headphones, hi-fi systems, and car stereos alike — is a bold and courageous step into the future. And for that purpose, we have this perfectly judged parody: the Apple Plug. It’s a meticulously crafted, super lightweight, all-aluminum structure that you jam into the headphone jack of your iPhone 6 or 6S and, hey presto, you’ve upgraded yourself to an iPhone 7’s level of functionality!

Best line of the whole website is the finisher:

"Just trust us. It's better."

Apple iPhone 7 first look