Google’s new phones, 4K Chromecast, and Daydream VR headset are coming at October 4th event: report - Tech High School News

Google’s new phones, 4K Chromecast, and Daydream VR headset are coming at October 4th event: report

Google’s new phones, 4K Chromecast, and Daydream VR headset are coming at October 4th event: report ,

Google will announce two new Pixel smartphones and an updated 4K-capable Chromecast at a hardware-focused event on October 4th, Android Police reports, a day previously flagged by Droid Life as a launch date for the phones. The company will also use the event to show off its Daydream VR device, the publication claims, as well as to provide more details on Google Home, a small speaker that seems to be Google’s answer to Amazon’s Echo.

It’s not clear where the event will be held, nor what time it will begin, but Android Police reports some specific information about the products that will be revealed. Apparently the the new Chromecast will be called either the Chromecast Plus or the Chromecast Ultra, and Google’s Daydream VR platform will earn a suffix, the finalized version being called Daydream View. Google has been recruiting and funding YouTube stars over the past few months, according to Bloomberg, ahead of an imminent launch of the platform.

The VR platform will be called Daydream View

News of the planned event comes soon after Android Police claimed to know the names of Google’s Nexus smartphone successors — the Pixel, and the Pixel XL. Both phones could be detailed on stage on October 4th, but early reports indicate the Pixel will have a 5-inch screen, compared to the 5.5-inch Pixel XL. Pricing or release dates are not yet known.