Facebook will soon let users activate security control in case of emergency - Tech High School News

Facebook will soon let users activate security control in case of emergency

Facebook will soon let users activate security control in case of emergency ,

Facebook is working on opening its Control security feature for users, reports VentureBeat . Speaking at a meeting of the municipality of Rome today, Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the social giant is built on the functionality to allow users to turn themselves in an emergency. Although it is not known when the update will roll, it should certainly help respond to criticism of the company received regarding the way it has deployed security control in the past.


Today was the Luiss University of Rome, and the revelation came in response to a question about how Facebook plans on deploying security control following the recent Italian quake earth. Zuckerberg said that the company devotes resources to developing tools that not only allow people to share stories, but keep each other safe.

"The next thing we must do is to ensure that communities can trigger themselves"

"When Check safety started there few years, "he said," it was only for natural disasters. Unfortunately, since then, we have had to extend to terrorist attacks too, because what has been too common in recent years. The next thing we must do is to ensure that communities can trigger themselves when there are disasters. "

After launching in late 2014, security control was deployed first in response to the earthquake in 2015 Nepal. However, Facebook has received critical for activation of the tool after the terrorist attacks in Paris, with critics saying the company has favored Western concerns about events that affect people in places like Lebanon. Since then, the function was turned more generally. by opening the tool for users, the goal of keeping users connected to both secure and hopefully be better achieved.