The Verge is hiring a New York-based video editor - Tech High School News

The Verge is hiring a New York-based video editor

The Verge is hiring a New York-based video editor ,
The Verge video team

Barreling into the corner Starbucks, iLugger in hand, you carry the weight of your work with muscle and mind. Too long has your brilliance gone unnoticed. "The people," you say to yourself aloud. "They must see my pretty little edits."

But a coffeeshop is no place for a video editor. That barista doesn't give a damn about NLEs.

Or maybe you don't edit in public. Maybe your Starbucks is an actual production studio. And instead of being disappointed by the muffins, you're disappointed by how marginalized you've become. Your creative spark has been constrained to the confines of a votive candle, lined up and burnt away in offering to a supreme power. Your boss mandated the use of silicone keyboard covers with Final Cut shortcuts printed on them. You need out.

Good news: The Verge video team is hiring. We're looking for a full-time video editor with a creative mind and an ambitious heart.

We want you if...

  • You're creative. You can take something good and make it great.
  • You're comfortable in Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe After Effects
  • You value design and aesthetics and know how to dress something up without weighing it down.
  • You're a team player but an independent thinker.
  • You know how to tell stories.
  • You know how to make points without pointing at things.
  • No one understands how your brain works, but it always works out.
  • You live in New York City. Or can be here, like, tomorrow.

Click here to submit your application.

Please send:

  • Your two best edits, and specifics about what your role was for each.
  • Your reel with notes about the included work.
  • 3 sentences about yourself
  • 3 sentences about why you want to work with The Verge
  • Your résumé