We're hiring: daily news writers, weekend writers, and a weekend editor - Tech High School News

We're hiring: daily news writers, weekend writers, and a weekend editor

We're hiring: daily news writers, weekend writers, and a weekend editor ,

Have you ever dreamed about spending all day and all night writing about your favorite, number one, most special love: technology? Have you dreamed about working with the best, coolest, and most fashionably dressed team in technology journalism? Have you ever had a dream from which you awoke, only to find that you were still dreaming, and then when you woke up for real, you were in some kind of apocalyptic hell-world? And then you woke up again?

If you said "yes" to any of the above questions except the one about the hell-world, we'd like to talk to you.

That's right — The Verge is hiring!

Right now, we're on the hunt for smart, fast, motivated technology enthusiasts who want to spend their days and nights immersed in our world. A crazy world where techno- and gadget-lust meets hardcore journalism.

We want people who can focus all or most of their time working with our senior editors and writing fast-paced, up-to-the-minute news. We're hiring on both per-post and monthly stipend contracts — and there's lots of room to expand these roles if you fit in with the team.

We're also looking for a full time weekend editor, as well as per-post weekend writers. No experience is necessary for any of these jobs, but we are looking for people who have great news sense, can put sentences together, and have a working knowledge of how sites like ours are run. Basically, you need to be a nerd who loves news.

If you feel like you meet these requirements, send an email to jobs@theverge.com. If you're applying for the news writer positions, include "news writer" in your subject line. If you're applying for the weekend writer or editor positions, include "weekend."

The email should include some information about who you are and what you love about technology, why you want to write for us, and no more than 3 samples of your writing. DO NOT SEND US ATTACHMENTS. If you include an attachment, we probably won't consider your application. We like people who pay attention to instructions.

Also include your availability in your email. If you're working a full time job and aren't ready to quit that job to write for us, or if you can't give us at least 30 hours a week, you probably shouldn't apply. Also, you must be 18 or older — sorry youngsters!

But if you do apply and end up on this team — get ready for the ride of your life.