Samsung will mark the replacement Note 7 devices with a blue S on the box - Tech High School News

Samsung will mark the replacement Note 7 devices with a blue S on the box

Samsung will mark the replacement Note 7 devices with a blue S on the box ,

Samsung is almost ready to start shipping a new batch Galaxy Note 7 devices that do not suffer from the "isolated cell battery problems" that led to a recall over the world there is only one week. When replacements are received by customers and retailers over the next two weeks, the box Note 7 will be clearly marked to indicate that the battery is inside safely. You will see a small black box on the white bar code label, but the most obvious identifier will be a circular sticker with a blue S in the middle. It'll look something like this:

Note 7 replacement box

it will be easier to distinguish which notes 7s do not present a risk when you are looking at the package, but if you only have the phone itself? Samsung makes no changes to the physical design Note 7. Instead, it will launch an IMEI Database tool next week where consumers can enter the unique IMEI number of their phone and see if it is an original, said note or a safe replacement deliveries. The IMEI is located on the barcode label of note 7, but you can also see on the device itself by going to the settings menu.

The buyers of the original note 7 should be able to exchange the device for a replacement model, wherever it was purchased. After the recall, mobile operators have also offered a full refund on note 7 and waived all restocking fee. In most cases, customers also have the option to exchange it for a Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge and being credited with the cost difference.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 reviews