You only need 128 of these DSLR controllers to recreate scenes from The Matrix - Tech High School News

You only need 128 of these DSLR controllers to recreate scenes from The Matrix

You only need 128 of these DSLR controllers to recreate scenes from The Matrix ,

Many cameras today have integrated Wi-Fi, allowing you to connect your camera to a smartphone and control the device remotely. But for those who do not, here is Joobot with CamBuddy Pro, a DSLR controller that can be controlled via your phone.

Joobot says the CamBuddy Pro connects to a wide variety of both Nikon and Canon cameras (a complete list can be found on the website of Joopic) , connecting via a USB port on the camera. Joobot considering these being used to capture a flash, or take a picture right when two glasses clink together for the perfect shot.

But the characteristic less convenient and cool Joobot exhibits with CamBuddy Pro is the ability to recreate the ring camera bullet-time famous of The Matrix . If you have a ton of disposable income, you can connect up to 128 DSLR (each with its own CamBuddy Pro, sold separately, of course), and use them to shoot your own 360-degree stop shots on picture .

As always, it is important to note that Joobot is a new company that has not actually delivered any equipment before, although Joopic companion app for CamBuddy Pro has already been published in the iTunes store and Play. Joobot claims that CamBuddy Pro is ready for production, and hopes to sell it for $ 149 when it comes out. However, early adopters willing to risk the eternal throw dice crowdfunding can get one at a reduced price when the Kickstarter campaign launches September 27th.