Airbnb announces new policies against discrimination and promote diversity - Tech High School News

Airbnb announces new policies against discrimination and promote diversity

Airbnb announces new policies against discrimination and promote diversity ,

Following sustained criticism, Airbnb announced today changes to the way it handles discrimination based on his service.

A 32-page report released today

In a 32-page report writing Laura Murphy, formerly of irector of the ACLU legislative Office, the company said it would make several movements, including the addition of a more comprehensive policy of non-discrimination for users and creating a new team to identify and combat bias on the platform. Airbnb said it would also implement a new internal policy on diversity, "mandate that all pools of candidates for senior positions are women and candidates from underrepresented backgrounds."

The company declined to suppress the use of photos from lists, an idea that some have pushed for. Instead, citing photos Security benefits, Airbnb will include "improving reputation data such as examinations and verified ID to reduce the risk of bias," said the report. The company will also try using smaller photos on the service.

"We believe that no matter who you are, where you are, or where you travel, you should be able to belong to the Airbnb community," said CEO Brian Chesky in a memo announcing the changes .

Studies have suggested some of the issues users face discrimination Airbnb, leased or host. In 2014, a study found blacks hosts earned less than their white counterparts. Another, published in late 2015, found that guests of discrimination based on the names of the tenants.

"These changes are only the first steps of Airbnb," the report said. "The fight against discrimination will require
constant and ongoing work."