Swarm Foursquare app allows you to spend virtual coins on real deals - Tech High School News

Swarm Foursquare app allows you to spend virtual coins on real deals

Swarm Foursquare app allows you to spend virtual coins on real deals ,

Foursquare and Swarm are both receive updates applications today. And if it was a little over two years since the check-in / restaurant discovery app Foursquare divided itself in two, it always seems as though it is necessary to remind people of how these two interdependent applications work: Swarm for arrivals and competitors to be the mayor of your local hangout and Foursquare to find stuff nearby.

Of the two, Swarm gets the biggest update. Version 4.7 will start offering deals from local businesses. To benefit, you "skip" the virtual parts of the application gives you when you arrive to a business. They are called "Perks Swarm" and the company said there will be "tens of thousands" of them at launch. They come Swarm by third party companies, but it is possible that one day in the future of small businesses could sign directly with Foursquare to implement. Crowley said there is no money changes hands with these offers, it is simply a way to drive use.

Swarm is another type of application than it was in the months after the split it two years ago. users were confused and unhappy with unbundling. But J Crowley, Foursquare product manager, said those days are over. his main evidence? the company has got its 10 billionth check-in. But specifically, Crowley said the company has paid more attention to Swarm this year, adding to the game as options like Trivia and the documents mentioned above. This was a pivot away from trying to be a "social utility" which helped people meet and instead focus on the competition and application of the awards' stickers.

Over the past six months, he said, the use of Swarm has increased significantly. "The commitment and use in the Swarm application is super deep," Crowley claims, "In fact, it is higher today than it has ever been in the history of the whole the company. "This may be true, but it is also true that an application that turns your check-ins in a game is a reward coupons is significantly different from the life logging app many original location Foursquare users loved so much.

So the new Swarm application may not be very exciting, but it is at least very focused. Even the other characteristic that is announced today feels of a piece with that new vibrations. iMessage stickers Yes, Swarm is ensuring that it is too early for the new iMessage app store with a pack of stickers, which is a default value, game unchangeable for now, but will eventually be "dynamically updated" with stickers that you can earn within the Swarm application itself.

Foursquare, for its part, is to get a small update. It also is jumping into new iOS capabilities 10. Notifications Foursquare are now complete notifications "rich". They show images of what is nearby and also allow you to record the location directly from the notification.

But the main update is mainly composed of a clarified and simplified home screen. Instead what Crowley called a series of "aspiration" of the places you should visit, it simply makes you faster access to research and big buttons (called "chicklets") for joint research. At the top will be a "hero image" that will highlight various things, such as local events.

Crowley called the overhaul "search-forward super" this which means it is designed merely to help users find what they want right away. the older application, showing local options for Thai food interesting instead of ice cream you really looking for, did not match what users want to do. "When you open Foursquare, have you ever not know what you want?" Crowley asked. the answer, of course, is no.

the result of the new design is that as Swarm, Foursquare is now more concentrated and focus is good -. but it is also dangerous because the new direction of Foursquare seems a heck of a lot like Yelp
