Your BB-8 will never age, as it has software updates - Tech High School News

Your BB-8 will never age, as it has software updates

Your BB-8 will never age, as it has software updates ,

last September, Sphero published a BB-8 robot that could be controlled by an application. Then, at CES, the company logged game showed us a new way to control the droid: A Force Band. All we had to do to make BB-8 slides around was slapped on the group and move our arms. In the eight months since, Sphero finalized its Force Band, and today it has announced plans to release on 30 September. The company will also introduce a new "battle worn" BB-8 is just the appearance of the droid in The Force Awakens . (It is much dirtier looking.) Both items will be available on the website of Sphero, as well as other stores, like Apple, Target, and Disney.

Sphero now two iOS BB-8-related / Android applications. One for the original BB-8 and another for the Force Band. The original BB-8 will work with the working band, and the new battle worn BB-8 will work with former BB-8 app.

Maybe Sphero fears that driving BB-8 around wasn 't enough of a hook to get people to buy the Band strength, so the company created a separate game in its application Band strength which essentially send you to a treasure hunt where Band vibrations on your strength means that you have found "a disturbance in the force" as a holocron. You must then collect that holocron through a hot and cold game where your group will vibrate more vigorously as you get closer to this invisible holocron.

The holocron unlocks sounds motion activated, you can access when you play with your Star Wars non-connected devices such as a lightsaber scale. Confused? sphero its original BB-8 to be able to watch Awakens the strength with you, the company plans to continue to update the application and the droid, which I think is the coolest part of this release. BB-8 is "extensible forever," as Adam Wilson, co-founder of Sphero, explained to me. The droid will be updated all the movies. The scenes can be recreated. Easter eggs can be hidden, and BB-8 will never age. Or at least until Star Wars universe replaced by something else. Ultimately, the film franchise will probably outlast us all and software updates keep our running toy forever.

Battle-worn BB-8 and the working strip costs $ 199 bundled. The only band will cost $ 79.99.