Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 will support Daydream VR platform Google - Tech High School News

Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 will support Daydream VR platform Google

Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 will support Daydream VR platform Google ,

We know a bit on the new Snapdragon 821 Qualcomm processor. We know it's supposed to be 10 percent faster than the 820, its quad-core CPU running at 2.4 GHz, and it will first appear in Zenfone 3 Deluxe from Asus. Today at IFA, Qualcomm has given us a better idea of ​​what we can expect from the SoC, including the fact that this may be the key hardware component to get the phones to perform Daydream VR platform Google.

Qualcomm said the new chip will include support for VR Snapdragon SDK, which supports Daydream. Thus, by transitivity, 821 Daydream support, and double transitivity the Zenfone 3 Deluxe Daydream support. Asus is, after all, one of eight Google's hardware partners to Daydream. It makes sense! We know that some older phones will work with Daydream, too, because ZTE said its Axon 7 is compatible with the platform.

The 821 also would be five percent better battery life and five percent better GPU speed. We do not have confirmation on other devices that will use the new chip, but wow the next flagship Android phones will be tempting.