I'm pretty sure you can own this scaling closing robot if you are ready to send emails asking - Tech High School News

I'm pretty sure you can own this scaling closing robot if you are ready to send emails asking

I'm pretty sure you can own this scaling closing robot if you are ready to send emails asking ,

Maybe there were times that you thought how fun it would be to have a robot that can climb fences, climbing stairs, and doors open. This thought would probably come to you while watching a video Boston Dynamics, like the giraffe with the robot. Or one involving robot dog that slipped on a banana peel. Remember those? Anyway, Boston Dynamics is not something you can buy right away, but another company, Ghost Robotics, gives us hope. His ghost Minitaur robot is apparently available for purchase, although we do not know its price and you must contact the company to understand how to buy one.

The Minitaur can operate at speeds up to four miles per hour and can climb fences after running and bouncing. He also obtained encoders that allow it to detect the field and adapt to the terrain. S o What can you use this robot for anything other than to show your friends? Spirit Robotics recommends conducting "research of walking" with it because it can be programmed to "bound pronk, walk and trot." Good luck with your search for the approach.

 Spirit Robotics