Tim Cook said augmented reality will be bigger than virtual reality - Tech High School News

Tim Cook said augmented reality will be bigger than virtual reality

Tim Cook said augmented reality will be bigger than virtual reality ,

Apple CEO Tim Cook seems to be a much bigger fan of augmented reality virtual reality. During an interview with Good Morning America that aired this morning, Cook took a question about VR and used it as an opportunity to raise and why AR it think it will be much more interesting.

"My opinion is that augmented reality is the larger of the two, probably by far, because it gives the opportunity both to sit down and be very present talk to each other, but also other things visually to see both of us, "Cook said." Maybe it's something we talk about, maybe it's someone else here who is not here now, but could be made to appear to be present with us. So there are a lot of really cool things there. "

" virtual reality ... probably has a lower commercial interest over time. "

Cook declined notes of interest from Apple in augmented and virtual reality from the beginning of the year. in January, the Financial Times reported that Apple has a secret team numbering in the hundreds of employees working to develop applications of both technologies, including helmets.

in his comments to GMA Cook entirely written not out of virtual reality, but it does sound like a low priority for Apple. "Virtual reality sort of locks and plunges the person into a experience that can be really cool, but probably has a lower commercial interest over time, "he said. "Fewer people will be interested in that, but there are really cool zones there for education and games we have a lot of interest."

His general point, with respect RV, seems to be that its applications are limited because it is a bit antisocial to wrap a screen on your face, while AR helmets could be used daily as you walk around and interact with others in person.

There does not appear to be specific timetable for when Apple AR and VR projects could materialize publicly - if it were to end up happening at all but talk of product categories before. enter them in a few years down the road is a little Apple style, so that it could be a while, it certainly looks like Apple has something in the works.