Check out SB Nation's new YouTube channel! - Tech High School News

Check out SB Nation's new YouTube channel!

Check out SB Nation's new YouTube channel! ,

You might have noticed that YouTube has been rolling out new content channels with partners like TED lately, and we're proud to say our sister site SB Nation just launched its own shiny new YouTube channel. They're working out of the new Vox Media studios here in New York where we record the Vergecast, and we obviously think their stuff looks great. They've also got some serious talent, with Amy K. Nelson from ESPN, Around the Horn contributor Bomani Jones, CNBC's Erin Sharoni, Matt Ufford from Kissing Suzy Kolber, and The Solid Verbal's Dan Rubenstein all hosting segments and talking to SB Nation's enormous ranks of sports bloggers.

You might also notice a familiar vibe to the proceedings — the studio and YouTube content are being led up by our own Chad Mumm, who is the executive producer of On The Verge and the man who helped Josh create the Engadget Show. Chad and his crew of misfits have been working nonstop to get SB Nation's channel off the ground, and we're happy to give them a little love — check out this AdAge profile of the team if you're looking for some more on what they're doing, and be sure head over to YouTube and subscribe to the SB Nation channel if you're into sports. Touchdown.