Happy New Year from The Verge! - Tech High School News

Happy New Year from The Verge!

Happy New Year from The Verge! ,
via assets.sbnation.com

Hello people of Earth. We just wanted to take a moment and wish you a happy new year as we all collectively glide down into 2012. We would like to let you know that we feel like the luckiest group of writers and editors in the history of the universe, and that's because of our amazing, astounding, and spectacular readership. We've had an incredible time launching this site and seeing it grow by leaps and bounds over its first two months — and we're planning on continuing the breakneck pace into the new year. We have some really terrific content in the pipeline, as well as significant updates to the platform planned, and we're looking forward to springing it on you when you least expect it.

But for now, we just want to say that we hope your New Year's Eve celebration has been enjoyable (and safe), and we're wishing you the very best for the next twelve months.

Now, get back to your champagne.