Sidekick 4G preview - Tech High School News

Sidekick 4G preview

Sidekick 4G preview ,

So we've got our hands on a production version of the next member of the Sidekick family... the Sidekick 4G. We're going to be doing a review on it shortly, but I thought I would share a few photos and very early impressions.

For starters, the device is surprisingly well designed and feels solid in your hands. If you're coming from a dumbphone or traditional smartphone, the new model might surprise you -- though for Sidekick fanboys and fangirls, this will be familiar territory. The new slider mechanism works well, and the keyboard is spacious enough to make any heavy messager feel right at home. To be honest, using the Sidekick for a little while got me thinking that I might want to migrate to a landscape keyboard... that's just how nice it feels.

As far as the phone's UI is concerned -- well that's going to be a real matter of taste. You'll be dealing with a heavily tweaked variation of Froyo, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Certainly if you like electroclash you'll feel right at home. Yes, that means neon pink. As I said, we've got a review coming -- for now, enjoy a couple of these glamour shots.

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